Rules and Regulations


  • Attendance for all classes according to Univesity of Calcutta norm is mandatory.
  • Discipline and order must be maintained in the class rooms and everywhere in the college compound.
  • Students must be decent and respectful towards the teachers and non-teaching employees of the college.
  • No student should cause any inconvenience to his or her fellow students.
  • The rules and directives issued by the college authority from time to time must be adhered to without any hesitation.
  • Complaints, if any, must be lodged in proper, peaceful and constitutional manner.
  • Loitering and creating disturbance in the corridors are strictly prohibited.
  • Any untoward / indecent act in the college premises shall be sternly dealt with.
  • Every student must keep his / her identity card in possession and show the same on demand.
  • No cycle or two-wheeler is allowed to enter through  Gate No-1 of the college. The cycles / motorcycles  must be kept in the cycle stand within the campus.
  • Students are advised to collect all relevant information regularly  from the college notice board.
  • A candidate shall be deemed to have prosecuted a regular course of study in an affiliated College/Institution if he/she has attended at least 75 percent of the lectures delivered and 75 percent of practical classes separately held in each of his/her subjects/groups of subjects concerned of each part of the B.A./B.Sc./B. Com (Hons./General/Major) and B. Mus. (Hons./General) Degree Courses.

A candidate attending less than 75 percent but not below 60 percent of attendance in one or more subjects/groups of subjects shall be declared “Non-Collegiate” and may be allowed to appear at the concerned examination on payment of requisite Non-Collegiate Fee. A candidate attending less than 60 percent lectures delivered and practical classes held in one or more subject(s)/group(s) of subjects shall be declared “Discollegiate” and shall be debarred from appearing at the Examination. Attendance in a subject/group of subjects shall be counted from the date of commencement of classes or admission to the course whichever is later.

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