
About The Library

College Library is located in the first floor of the North Block of College Building. At present Library Covers of 2728 sq. feet  including the Stack Area , Lending  and  Reference  Section,  Teacher’s  and Student’s  Reading  Space . Library  supports the aim of the  college towards  imparting  education and providing  latest information to the students for developing their sphere  of knowledge, intelligence, self reliance and to make them  good citizen of India .

Working  Hour :8.00AM  to 7.00 PM

Search  Online Catalogue (Within   Library  Computers )

Search College  Publication, Faculty  Publication ,Question Paper  etc ( Within Library Computes )

Search  N-LIST Resources


Services of the Library

  • Lending: All students and Teaching and Non-teaching staff are provided with lending facility. They may issue books for home use.
  • Reference Service: In the library some books are kept for not to be issued for home. .
  • Internet facility: Students & Staff are provided with Internet facility. They may use Internet during Library hours.
  • Photocopying services: In the library premises there are Xerox Machine. Students are taking advantages of Xerox Machine. The college library arranges immediate Xerox facilities of any documents which is required  by the students on a nominal charge.
  • Career Guidance Service : to prepare the college students for appearing at various competitive examination, the library purchase some guide book .. Students may use the material during library hours.
  • Archive Section : Some institution documents and some other old & valuable books all kept separately for the archive.
  • Organization membership with other library : Library has become organization member with British Council Library. By virtue of this membership we may borrow books from British Council.



Library Rules

  • A book borrowed can be retained only for fifteen days after which it may be reissued if necessary.
  • Mutilating pages from a book, disfiguring or damaging are serious offence and are severely dealt with including expulsion from the college.
  • Books must be returned to the library by the students before taking admit card for the final examinations.
  • Student in case of loss or damage of any book/books, may be allowed to replace the book by purchasing a new one.
  • Books are to be careful examined by the readers immediately after their issue and cases of mutilation, if any, should be brought to the notice of the in-charge of the counter, otherwise the person to whom a book was issued last will be held responsible for mutilation.
  • Books borrowed against reference cards are to be used inside the reading room and returned with in college hours. Defaulters would be deprived of the benefit of this card.

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