

Admission process adheres to the guidelines provided by the affiliating university and the state government. The whole process is monitored by the admission committee of the college in consultation with the academic sub committee and the IQAC

  • Admission criteria for Honours and General courses are discussed and decided in the academic sub-committee.
  • For PG admission, departmental committee monitors it and the merit list is a combination of weightage on the basis of University marks and admission test score.
  • Reservation for all categories is strictly adhered to as per Government directives.
  • Statutory reservation policy of the government is followed by the institution for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Others. However, there is no reservation for female students and other minority groups.
  • Statutory reservation policy is adhered to by the institution for OBC-A and OBC-B groups.
  • Preference is given to students with excellence in sports either at District/National level by college.
  • The evening section of the college gives opportunity to needy students who remain engaged in earning their livelihood during daytime.
  • The academic calendar is provided by the affiliating university
  • Before the commencement of the course, HODs submit the routines of the respective departments with detailed class allotments of the faculty members to the routine committee of the college.
  • Departmental meeting is held to allocate the course for the academic year to all the faculties.
  • The routine committee finalizes the routine in consultation with the Principal and is circulated among the students and HODs. HODs in return circulate the routine among the faculty members.
  • An evaluation schedule of internal assessment, midterm tests and class tests is followed. The internal evaluation system is monitored by the Academic sub-committee and IQAC.
  • Each department prepares an evaluation system for monitoring the progress of the students according to their requirement and convenience.
  • The betterment of the teaching learning process is guided and monitored by the IQAC which functions as an overall advisory body. The body helps in modalizing effective teaching plans, teaching modules of the subjects which helps in holistic improvement of the academic curriculum of the college. Formal and informal feedbacks serve as yardstick to ensure best quality teaching. Thus, overall IQAC acts as a guide and moral booster to all the new endeavors of the faculties.

Academic committee

  • The institution monitors the progress and performance of students through the duration of courses, through the supervision of the academic committee of the college and the respective departments.


  • Progress and performance of students is also communicated to guardians as and when necessary through parent teachers meeting and guardian call.
  • Relevant notifications are done from time to time on the notice board.
  • The college makes policies which are followed to improve the learning outcome and scores achieved by the academically weaker sections.
  • Seminars are organized and remedial classes are also conducted.
  • Feedback from students is collected and more emphasis is laid on written suggestions.

The curriculum as designed and modified from time to time by the respective Under-Graduate Board of Studies (UGBOS) for different subjects of the University of Calcutta is communicated to the Departmental teachers through organization of workshops. This curriculum in turn is thereafter discussed within each department among the departmental teachers for streamlining the implementation of the respective academic programmes.  At the outset of the new academic session the curriculum is thoroughly explained to the students by the respective departmental teachers so that they can fully understand their academic responsibility and commitment as well as the objectives and methodologies of teaching/learning and evaluation. The college doesn’t have much scope to develop any curriculum on its own but it monitors the proper implementation of the academic programmes through the Principal, Academic Committee and Teachers’ Council maintaining the guidelines prescribed by the UGBOS.

The curriculum delivery is made effective in the following ways:

  • Faculty members are strictly asked to follow the modules prescribed in the curriculum for the different subjects framed by the affiliating university as per its regulations.
  • The departments under the stewardship of the respective HOD’s , formalizes the allocation and distribution of specific components of the syllabi to respective teachers and also chalks out a tentative time schedule for proper completion  of the curriculum. An academic plan is thus prepared accordingly.

Principal, IQAC, Teacher’s Council and Academic Committee coordinates with  each of the departments and  discuss the entire curriculum and the revisions made therein from time to time.
The program objectives in respect of the curriculum are achieved systematically:

  • The educational objectives of each curricular program are clearly identified and spelt out in departmental academic deliberations as well as in the discussions of the academic committee.
  • Furthermore, whenever the curriculum is revised /amended by the university, the respective departments as well as the academic committee of the college undertake regular meetings so that the revised curriculum is adequately and comprehensively dealt with to meet the program objectives.
  • There is an institutional evaluation system in the form of regular internal assessments by respective departments, mid term tests and annual selection tests. This system periodically measures the outcome of the stated curriculum objectives.
  • The institution has an internal monitoring system under the able guidance of the HOI and the IQAC to take care of successful completion of the curriculum through a properly planned teaching/learning process.
  • Further, all outgoing students are required to provide the feedback which identifies and indicates the program outcomes acquired by them.
  • In case of any anomalies, the institution initiates corrective actions to ultimately ensure the objectives of curriculum being satisfactorily achieved.
  • In regular meetings of the teaching departments HODs interact with their subject colleagues in respect of successful implementation of the curricula and required replenishment if any.
  • Special and remedial classes are arranged for slow learners, while the more advanced learners are supported and encouraged with tutorial classes



The college is committed to equal opportunities and to providing an environment in which all staff, students and those for whom the college has a special responsibility (for example visiting academics and students – henceforth referred to as “visitors”) are treated with dignity and respect and in which they can work and study free from any type of discrimination, harassment, or victimization. All members of College are responsible for upholding this policy and should act in accordance with the policy guidance in the course of their day-to-day work or study, ensuring an environment in which the dignity of other staff, students, and visitors is respected. Offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. Harassment will be treated as a serious offence which is punishable under the College’s disciplinary procedures.

This Policy, and the Code of Practice which accompanies it, apply to the academic and office staff of the College, undergraduate and graduate students, and all others for whom the College is responsible. References to ‘academic staff’ include principal / Teacher-in-Charge, Full time and Part time teachers and Guest lecturers, who teach the students of the College.

The College is committed to making all staff and students aware of this policy and the accompanying guidance and to providing effective guidance and briefing on it. The College takes steps to ensure that both the policy and guidance are fully understood and implemented.

Management of College and all faculties, staff members, including students, have specific responsibilities. These include setting a good personal example, making it clear that harassment will not be tolerated, being familiar with, explaining, and offering guidance on this policy and the consequences of breaching it, investigating reports of harassment, taking corrective action if appropriate, and ensuring that victimisation does not occur as a result of a complaint.

Definition of Harassment

Harassment is unwanted conduct on the grounds of sex, marital status, gender reassignment, race, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

Harassment on grounds of sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age may amount to unlawful discrimination. Harassment may also breach other legislation and may in some circumstances be a criminal offence. Harassment may occur through the use of internet, email, or telephone.

The other person’s motives are not the main factor in deciding if behaviour amounts to harassment. Just because certain behaviour may be acceptable to the alleged harasser or another person does not mean it is not harassment. Being under the influence of alcohol or otherwise intoxicated will not be admitted as an excuse for harassment, and may be regarded as an aggravating feature. Bullying may be characterised by offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient. It includes any behaviour which makes someone else feel threatened, frightened, humiliated or taken advantage of. Some common forms of verbal abuse include verbal abuse; taunting; setting impossible deadlines or objectives; withholding key information or giving false information.

Victimisation occurs specifically when a person is treated less favourably because he/she has asserted his/her rights under this guidance, either in making a complaint or in assisting a complainant in an investigation. The College will protect any member of staff, student, or visitor from victimisation for bringing a complaint or assisting in an investigation. Victimisation is a form of misconduct which may in it result in a disciplinary process, regardless of the outcome of the original complaint of harassment.

Sexual harassment has been characterised as a particularly degrading and unacceptable form of treatment, as well as a unlawful, such that a victim may bring legal proceedings. If the conduct amounts to assault it may also constitute a criminal offence. Complaints that sexual harassment has occurred between persons to whom this Policy and the accompanying Code of Practice apply will be taken seriously by the College, and where appropriate may result in disciplinary proceedings. The College will appropriately deal with the incidence of sexual harassment in the College, resolve the complaints, in an appropriate manner through the anti-harassment cell constituted for the purpose..

Sexual harassment is direct sex discrimination by way of uninvited conduct based on the sex of the recipient which is intimidating, hostile or offensive to the recipient. It may include unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature which the recipient finds intimidating, hostile or offensive, ranging from unwelcome sexual advances, unpleasant remarks, to the display of offensive material of an explicitly sexual nature. Such conduct may be physical, verbal or nonverbal. An aggravating feature of some cases of sexual harassment may be the abuse of a position of authority or trust. The policy of the college in this regard dictates that the provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act and the Equality Act cover homosexual as well as heterosexual harassment.

Reasonable and proper management instructions administered in a fair and proper way, or reasonable and proper review of a member of staff’s or a student’s work and/or performance will not constitute harassment. Behaviour will not amount to harassment if the conduct complained of could not reasonably be perceived as offensive.

In summary, examples of behaviour that may constitute harassment are:

  • Verbal or physical threats;
  • Insulting, abusive, embarrassing or patronising behaviour or comments;
  • Offensive gestures, language, rumours, gossip or jokes;
  • Humiliating, intimidating, demeaning and/or persistent criticism;
  • Open hostility;
  • Suggestive comments or body language;
  • Isolation or exclusion from normal work or study place
  • Publishing, circulating or displaying pornographic, racist, sexually suggestive or otherwise offensive pictures or other materials;
  • Unwanted physical contact, ranging from an invasion of space to a serious assault

(The above list is not intended to be exhaustive.)

Advice to individuals who may be suffering one or more forms of harassment

Individuals may be unsure whether certain behaviour amounts to harassment. The first step may be to discuss the matter in confidence with a friend or colleague who is familiar with the College setting. Members of staff may want to discuss the matter with immediate superiors, College Management and colleagues. Students may want to discuss the matter with the teacher or any other college officials with pastoral responsibilities.

Format of Complaints

Written complaints take the form of a letter or memorandum describing the conduct on which the complaint is based. It will include:

  • the date(s) and place(s) on which the offensive conduct occurred,
  • the names of any witnesses, and the name of the respondent
  • any efforts to resolve the complaint and the results of these efforts
  • if appropriate, the specific outcome the complainant seeks

Filing of Complaints

Students: As noted above, complaints against undergraduate students should be filed to the Head of the Department.

Employees: Complaints against employees should be filed to the Principal/Teacher-in-Charge.

Notification of Respondent

Within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the complaint, the coordinator of the anti-harassment cell ,will notify the respondent in writing, advise the respondent of the name of the complainant, the nature of the allegations, refer the respondent to this policy, and provide a copy of the complaint. The Coordinator will confer with the complainant and the respondent independently to review options for resolution of the complaint. The complainant, with the assistance of the Coordinator, will choose the option he or she prefers, subject to the right of the respondent to request mediation or the appointment of a Harassment Hearing Committee (see Hearing Committee, below). The respondent will also be advised that any speech or conduct threatening or constituting retaliation against the complainant will be regarded as a serious and separate infraction.

Either the complainant or the respondent may request the Coordinator to attempt resolution of the complaint through mediation. Either party may decline to participate, or the Coordinator/Principal reserves the right to decline mediation if the Coordinator deems that it is not appropriate as to the particular complaint. If the parties agree to mediate and good faith efforts to mediate the complaint are ongoing, the Coordinator may suspend other complaint resolution options. If, through mediation, a settlement is agreed to by both parties and approved by the Coordinator, no further option for resolution will be available. The case will be recorded in the institutional tally and institutional memory file.

If no settlement is reached, the complainant may choose either the Administrative Resolution or the Hearing Committee option.


Administrative Resolution

The complainant has the exclusive prerogative of choosing the administrative resolution option, subject to the right of the Coordinator to determine that administrative resolution is not appropriate in the given case or the right of the respondent or the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal to request the appointment of a Harassment Hearing Committee (see Hearing Committee, below).

In an Administrative Resolution, the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal with whom the complaint is filed will review the complaint with the Coordinator and the complainant and will also meet with the respondent. The Coordinator will then seek to resolve any factual disputes by interviewing witnesses and reviewing documents in order to establish the credibility of the parties. The Coordinator will ordinarily complete this investigation within fifteen (15) working days of notification of the respondent and determine whether the preponderance of evidence indicates that harassment occurred.

After completing the investigation, the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal will meet with the complainant and respondent, either together or separately, to discuss an appropriate resolution of the complaint. After this meeting(s), the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal will prepare a statement of the facts and a conclusion.

Possible Findings

If harassment is the finding, the Coordinator will find any prior history of infractions in the institutional memory file. The Coordinator will then recommend a resolution in writing and deliver the recommendation to the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal.

Teacher-in-Charge / Principal will review and accept or reject the Coordinator’s recommendation. Decision is ordinarily made within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the coordinator’s recommendation. The decision will be intimated in writing to the complainant, the respondent and the Coordinator. The case will be recorded in both the institutional tally and the institutional memory file.

If it is determined that there are insufficient grounds to support the claim of harassment, the parties will be so informed in writing and the complaint will be dismissed. The complaint will be recorded in the institutional tally and in the institutional memory file.


ICC or Internal Complaints Committee under The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

Principal / Teacher-in-Charge will decide whether the whole matter and the proceedings are forwarded to the Internal Complain to Committee under The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

  • The Committee is required to complete the inquiry within a time period of 90 days.
  • On completion of the inquiry, the report will be sent to the Principal/Teacher-in-charge who is mandated to take action on the report within 60 days.
  • The college is required to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee.
  • The Complaints Committees enjoys the powers of civil courts for gathering evidence.
  • The Complaints Committee is required to provide for conciliation before initiating an inquiry, if requested by the complainant.
  • Penalties have been prescribed for employers. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Act shall be punishable with a fine of up to Rs. 50,000/-.

Process for Complaint and Inquiry

Please refer to the following flowchart which provides, in brief, the process to be followed by the aggrieved employee to make the complaint and by the employer to inquire into the complaint. The law allows female employees to request for conciliation in order to settle the matter although a monetary settlement should not be made as a basis of conciliation.

 Action against Frivolous Complaints

So as to ensure that the protections contemplated under the Sexual Harassment Act do not get misused, provisions for action against “false or malicious” complainants have been made.

Before appealing to the court, if the situation demands college authority can refer the case to the Women’s commission.

Employer’s Obligations

In addition to ensuring compliance with the other provisions stipulated, the Sexual Harassment Act casts certain obligations upon the employer to, inter alia,

  • provide a safe working environment
  • display conspicuously at the workplace, the penal consequences of indulging in acts that may constitute sexual harassment and the composition of the Internal Complaints Committee
  • organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing employees on the issues and implications of workplace sexual harassment and organizing orientation programmes for members of the Internal Complaints Committee
  • Treat sexual harassment as misconduct under the service rules and initiate action for misconduct.

The employer is also required to monitor the timely submission of reports by the ICC.

If an employer fails to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee or does not comply with any provisions contained therein, the Sexual Harassment Act prescribes a monetary penalty of up to INR 50,000 (approx. US$1,000). A repetition of the same offence could result in the punishment being doubled.

Hearing Committee

If the Principal / Teacher-in-Charge decides that the situation is not so grave to forward to the Internal Complain to Committee, Principal / Teacher-in-Charge will appoint a Harassment Hearing Committee to review the case and, after determining the facts, to make a recommendation.

Composition of Hearing Committee

The Teacher-in-Charge / Principal will appoint a five-member committee to hear the case. The members will be Teacher-in-Charge / Principal, the coordinator of the anti-harassment cell and three members selected from the Governing body members (Preferably external members).

Committee Procedures

  • The Coordinator will provide Committee members with copies of the complete policy on Discriminatory Harassment; deliver to the Chairperson of the Hearing Committee a complete set of documents in the case; assist the Chairperson in scheduling a hearing, ordinarily within fourteen (14) days of the request for a hearing; assist the Chairperson in identifying the witnesses whom the complainant and respondent intend to call; and identify other persons who might assist the Committee.
  • The hearing will be held, if possible, on consecutive working days and will be closed to persons other than those participating. However, either party may be accompanied by an advisor and/or legal coordinator, with whom he or she may consult, upon request, at reasonable times during the hearing. The intention to be accompanied by legal counsel or an advisor must be communicated to the Chairperson at least two (2) days prior to the hearing.
  • Advisors and legal counsel may neither address the Committee nor question witnesses.
  • The hearing will begin with the presentation of the complainant’s case and be followed by the respondent’s response. The Committee will then question both parties and give the parties an opportunity to question each other, provided, however, that upon the request of the complainant, the Committee shall establish an alternative questioning procedure if the complainant elects not to directly confront the respondent
  • Witnesses will not be present except during their testimony. Witnesses, beginning with those of the complainant, will relate their knowledge of relevant facts through questions posed both by the Committee and by both parties. Once the Committee is satisfied that all relevant information has been presented, both parties may present summary statements and/or briefs to the Committee
  • The Committee will meet privately to determine the facts and the extent to which they constitute discriminatory harassment under a preponderance of evidence standard.

Possible Findings

If the Committee determines that discriminatory harassment has occurred, the committee will be given access to the record of any prior infractions by the respondent. The Committee will then assess the seriousness of the case based on the severity of the harassment, the extent to which it was a single or repeated incident, and any record of past infractions. In consultation with the Harassment Coordinator, the Committee will develop a recommendation on sanctions. (Possible sanctions include: letter of warning, letter of reprimand, mandatory counselling or training, reparation, suspension, dismissal or termination, any combination of these sanctions, as well as other appropriate alternatives.)

The Committee will communicate its report and recommendation to the Governing Body.

If the Governing Body accepts the report, it will determine and impose the sanctions. Where appropriate, the necessary steps will also be taken to reverse actions which the respondent may have taken in the harassment of the complainant (e.g., restoration of rights or privileges, review of academic or personnel evaluations). The Principal / Teacher-in-Charge will send written notice of the resolution of the complaint to the respondent, within ten (10) working days after the decision of Governing Body. The Coordinator will record the case in the institutional tally and the institutional memory file.

A copy of the decision will be placed in the respondent’s file; no record will be made in the complainant’s file.

If it is determined that there are insufficient grounds to support the claim of harassment, the parties will be so informed in writing and the complaint will be dismissed. The complaint will be recorded in the institutional tally and in the institutional memory file. If it is determined that a claim of harassment is knowingly false, the Hearing Committee will recommend appropriate sanctions to the complainant’s area and a notation will be made in the complainant’s file. This action will be recorded in the institutional tally and in the institutional memory file.

Procedures for Appeal

Respondent or complainant can appeal to the Governing Body in the following grounds

  • The decision lacked a factual basis
  • It did not conform to the procedural requirements of this policy
  • It was based on bias
  • It violated the respondent’s academic freedom

A formal appeal must be filed in writing within fourteen (14) working days after the respondent is informed of the decision.

Students: Students may appeal to the coordinator who will either sustain or reverse the decision, or refer the case back to the Governing Body for Student Affairs for further review and resubmission.

Faculty: For a sanction other than dismissal, faculty may appeal to the Principal. If the sanction is dismissal by the President during the term of a contract, faculty may appeal to the Faculty Hearing Committee

Non-Teaching Staff: Employees may appeal to the Principal, who will either sustain or reverse the decision, or refer the case back to the Governing Body for further review and resubmission.


Institutional Tally

Once a year, the Coordinator will report upon the number of discriminatory harassment complaints filed in the previous twelve (12) months. This report will not include names or identifying facts, but will include: the nature of the allegation; the status of the parties involved (e.g., faculty, staff); and whether or not discriminatory harassment was the finding.

Institutional Memory

The need to identify repeat offenders requires that the Coordinator keep a central file, separate from individual files. This file will include the names of individuals involved in written or unwritten harassment complaints.

Individual Records

No notations or records will be placed in individual files in the case of unwritten complaints, whether or not the situation is resolved. In written complaints, a guilty finding and/or the sanctions imposed will be recorded in the respondent’s file. Similarly, a finding that a knowingly false charge has been filed will be recorded in the complainant’s file.

Policy Dissemination

The substance of this policy is included in the college website.

Education and Awareness

Students and faculties are briefed about the harassment policy during induction program.



Narasinha Dutt College Campus is a ragging free campus. Number of anti-ragging measures is in place to ensure strict compliance.

Students will refrain from ragging of any kind and those who violate this rule will be instantly suspended from the College besides being liable to be prosecuted before the appropriate court of law. The matter will be placed before the Anti-Ragging Committee, which will review the incident of ragging and take action according to the due process of law. Students must take note that ragging results in their dismissal from the College. The attention of the students is also drawn to the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India wherein it is mandatory for the institution to file a complaint with the Police Authority, and with all resulting consequences as per the Circular of the Directorate of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal Government/University Grants Commission (UGC), guidelines notified vide no.F.1-16/2009 (CPP-II) dated 21-10-2009 on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 (Under Section 26(1) (g) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956). In addition to the above, those students who indulge in the acts of ragging shall attract the punishments as applicable, which include any one or combination thereof:

What Constitutes Ragging?

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:

  • Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
  • Indulging in rowdy or in disciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.
  • Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.
  • Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.
  • Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students
  • Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
  • Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.

The Immediate Consequences according to the level of incident

  • Expulsion from the college
  • Suspension from the classes
  • Fine with a public apology
  • Withholding of scholarship or other benefits extended to those involved in ragging
  • Debarring from representation in cultural or sports events, or any other in events for which the student(s) may have been selected 

Allied Punishment for the incidence of Ragging 

Entering the ragging incident on the Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate of the students, which may adversely affect their career?
No placement assistance to students found guilty of ragging.
Filing of a complaint by the affected student with the Police Authority (as per the Supreme Court’s Directive).

Disciplinary Procedure

The Anti-Ragging Committee will deal with all disciplinary matters. The Committee shall constantly monitor the behavior of the students. All disciplinary matters will be placed before the Committee, which will hear the matter and take action according to the due process of law.
The affected student is required to submit an anti-ragging affidavit as per the UGC notification. Continuous watch and vigil over ragging by Narasinha Dutt College and the College will promptly deal with the incidents of ragging brought to its notice. The University will summarily punish or reprimand the guilty student, either by itself or by following procedures, administrative or otherwise, by constituting a special Enquiry Committee and put forth its findings or recommendations before the competent authority to take a decision. Students are encouraged to report any ragging act witnessed or experienced by them to the College administrators, faculty, Anti-Ragging Committee and Grievance Redressal Cell or other any staff member with whom the student may feel comfortable. The College ensures the confidentiality of such a disclosure by the student.


The college has more than Ninety Five (95) PCs and more than 12 Laptops along with various related accessories. There are three separate LANs in the campus i.e. Computer Science Dept, Mathematics Dept. and College Office. College has some specific usage policies for these Computing Systems and resources. The Computing Systems and resources of college serve to support and enhance the academic mission of the college. Access to the computing systems and resources is a privilege to be used in ethical, lawful and effective ways that supports the values of the college.

Some departments (e.g. Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics etc.) have computer related studies in their course curriculum. These departments have computers in their Laboratories which are used for specific academic purpose. Further, all departments have departmental computers to prepare study notes by teachers, to access Internet for academic purpose and to access their Inflibnet Account to study e-books / research papers.

The college has an UGC Network Resource Centre (NRC) at Library. Two PCs including one of UGC-NRC with internet facility are available there for students. Students need to take permission from administrative authorities by issuance of ‘Internet use slip’ to get access of those computers. A strict vigilance is maintained by the Librarian and other staff members on misuse of the resources and to take disciplinary measure. Strong punishments are set if any student found with creation, transmission, storage, access or viewing:

  • Any form of material supporting to harassment or discrimination
  • Any form of pornographic, obscene material
  • Any form of illegal trade, negotiation or conspiracy to conduct illegal act

College office (both Academic Section and Account & Establishment Section) are computerised and have separate internet connections. All these sections including Teacher-in-charge’s room are connected with a Server by a LAN. A network based ‘Students Details Management’ package is being used to keep the information about admitted student. The software use password authentication method.

Certain regulatory actions are taken in the above mentioned LAN on:

  • Online gaming and offline gaming
  • Downloading, copying of pirated software
  • E-mail communication which denigrate the objective of the college
  • Access of students’ data without permission of authority
  • Multi-copy printing without permission of the authority

Department of Higher Education of State Government has introduced COSA, Pay-Packet Process; and the Department of Finance has started E-Pradan, E-Bantan, E-tender system etc. All of these systems have some authentication mechanism in forms of Digital Signature of the Teacher-in-Charge and Password also to ensure the proper and actual usage. The college has the Convenor, IQAC as the Nodal Officer of AISHE who has his password to access the AISHE account of the college.

All the departments, Teacher-in-charge, IQAC, Alumni and the college itself have separate e-e-mail account in the domain of the website of the college. They are protected by password and security questions.

College has a committee – ‘Computer and Website Committee’ which consists of Teachers, Staff members and students to look after the optimum and efficient utilisation of computer resources in the college


The reputation of a college depends on the discipline and character of its students and as such the behaviour of the students within the college and outside it reveals the image of the college. 

Following are the disciplinary norms that must be maintained by the students.

  • The students must see to it that college properties/walls are not damaged/defaced in any way and also that college premises/buildings are kept clean and no poster should be pasted on the walls of the building.
  • The students should carry their identity cards to get entry inside the college premises. A student must produce the card as and when demanded.
  • Loitering or gossiping on the corridors is strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the college campus.
  • Disorderly behaviour within or outside class rooms, shouting or screaming or damaging college property are severely dealt with.
  • By no means student should show disrespect to any member of the college staff and be rude to their fellow students.
  • Students must not enter office without valid reasons and disturb work in the office.
  • Students must not enter or leave a class without permission from the teacher.
  • Science students must attend both theoretical and practical classes regularly. Students who do not regularly attend theoretical classes should not be permitted to attend practical classes.
  • During class hour no student is allowed to stay elsewhere.
  • Students must not enter staff room without taking permission.
  • Students are to abide by all the rules and regulations, instructions, directives and notifications framed and issued by college authorities.
  • Students should obtain pass marks in the college, terminal examinations for class promotion and for appearing at the final examination.
  • Any change in combination for elective subject(s) with approval of the college administration must be done within one month from the date of commencement must be done within one month from the date of commencement of classes. No application in this regard will be entertained after that date.
  • A subject which is not taught in the college will not be permitted in the combination of subjects. Further student should maintain the code of combination of subjects offered by the college.
  • Students may put their grievances (if any) in writing in the box kept inside the Principal Chamber for the purpose.

Attendance of students:

Students are normally expected to attend 100% of the classes alloted for them. However, no student shall be allowed to appear in the Part-I examination as regular student unless he or she has put in minimum 75% attendance during the course of instruction in all the subjects. The above rule would be strictly adhered to as per direction laid down by the University. Similar conditions will be followed for the Part-II and Part-III candidates.

However, students attending at least 60% classes but not 75% and above may be allowed to sit for final examination as non-collegiate students. But below 60% no student will be allowed to sit for final examination under any circumstances.


“Think Green; Live Green; Go Green”

To deliver substantial benefit, improving environment in and around the college while inviting innovation and growth we have adopted the Green Policy.

The necessity of adopting strategies and approaches aimed at litigating pressure, restoring ecosystem and adapting to climate change and depleting resources is the need of the hour and we need to act now. To enact the policy our college has set its eyes on 5 basics as under which will be applicable for Students, Faculties, Staff members and all kinds of visitors –

Sustainable Environmental Development:

  • To ensure the sustainability of the environment.

Economic viability:

  • This policy must follow Economic viability with high efficiency.

Community/Social acceptance:

  • Community acceptance is the main success key of the green policy and the co-operation of the community members, college faculties, staffs and students are the main strength of this project.

Prevention of Environmental Degradation:

  • To prevent further degradation of Environmental resources.

Environmental Ethics:

  • The codes of ethics on environment give greater emphasis to responsibilities towards society and strengthen the environment. These ethics are based on truth, honesty, justice, trust-worthiness, respect and safeguard of human life and welfare.

So, College therefore commits to –

  1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • Reduce the waste that is produced from college canteen kitchen and office bins.
  • Use reusable resources and containers and avoid plastics.
  • Recycle or safely dispose white goods, Ex. Computers, its accessories and electrical appliances.
  • Promote reuse of items through posters and awareness campaign.
  • Dispose all waste in a scientific manner (Use of Green Bins for Biodegradable and Red Bin for Non-biodegradable wastes).
  1. Reduce energy consumption
  • Give preference to the most energy-saving light bulbs.
  • Provide energy efficient heating systems with adjustable controls.
  • Encourage staff and students to turn off electrical appliances when not in use.
  • Conduct switch off drills at regular intervals.
  • Ensures that all computers are switched off when not in use or to keep in power saving mode.
  1. Minimize consumption of water and ensure quality drinking water to one and all:
  • Appliances to be used to reduce water consumption.
  • Repair leakage, dripping taps and showers as quickly as possible.
  • Aware staffs and students to decrease water usage.
  • Use hygienic water storage mechanism.
  • Use of UV & RO operated water purification system is to be installed with a regular servicing contract.
  1. Minimize the use of chemical pollutants
  • The chemical waste generated from the chemistry and biological laboratories are to be disposed off in a scientific manner.
  • All cleaning products used by the college have a minimal detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Cleaning products must be biodegradable and non-toxic.
  • Burning plastic and other materials are to be prevented in the campus because it emits harmful gases.
  1. Encourage the students and other members to participate in “Go Green” campus.
  • Establish and maintain a Garden in the campus.
  • Another Medicinal plant garden has to be established.
  • Tree plantation should be organized under Go Green project by faculties, staff members and students together in a regular interval.
  • Plantation in adjoining area of the college is also recommended.
  • Planted trees must be reviewed periodically.
  1. Enrichment of knowledge amongst the Community members by awareness programme.
  • Workshops are to be organized among the faculties, staffs and students.
  • Camps are organized in the adjoining area amongst common people to spread environmental awareness.
  • Conduct various courses to promote the environmental awareness.
  1. Ensure that the Green Policy is enacted, enforced and reviewed.
  • Alongside the activity of Nature Club run by the Department of Zoology, College has to establish an Eco Club which will advise its staff members and students about implementation of this Policy.
  • The club will review the Green Policy on an annual basis.
  • This club will monitor the progress of this policy.
  • All the staff members and student must have responsibility to ensure the commitment in the green policy that it is properly put into practice.
  • Ensure that a Green audit is conducted annually and action should be taken accordingly.

To navigate the future generations in a right path we have to follow the above mentioned points and pathways mentioned here under –

  1. Assessment of Environment and Biodiversity –

For any effective conservation practice prior assessment is needed.


  1. Environmental Planning.

We have to plan our next step accordingly after a certain assessment.


  1. Environmental Management.

Proper management of existing environment is necessary.


  1. Environmental Audit.

Every progression of the projects ought to be audited regularly by professionals.


  1. Environmental Review.

An annual review of the projects is expected to be prepared.


  1. Environmental Conservation.

Effective conservation measures are to be adopted.


  1. Environmental Protection.

Automatically Environment of the college will be automatically protected then.


Policy Statement

The College is committed to a policy of continuous quality assurance leading to quality improvement. This means robust, accurate and ongoing self assessment which leads to real improvement in the quality of provision and learner experience and success. The self assessment process is grass roots upwards process which involves the whole College community. Self assessment is validated through

  • The function of Internal Quality Assurance  Cell
  • Annual quality Assurance Report submitted to NAAC
  • Perspective and Strategic Plan ( PASP )
  • Review meetings held by key groups such as various subcommittees of the Teachers’ Council, Staff Council, different Cells, different Clubs, Students’ Union, Alumni Association, Parent Group along with the Governing body.
  • External peer evaluation of College Quality Assurance processes also takes place.

Policy Scope

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidance regarding key aims and actions relating to College quality assurance procedures.

Policy Aims

The College aims to have robust and accurate self assessment which leads to real improvement.

To achieve this we must:

  • Create staff confidence in the self assessment process
  • Expect all staff and members of the College community, including Governing Body members and students, to contribute to self assessment and to quality improvement
  • Operate within a coherent quality cycle which is published in the Quality Assurance and Improvement Handbook
  • Use external peer evaluation of College reports and processes to assist quality improvement

The College aims to be outstanding in all areas of College business. To achieve this we must:

  • Provide opportunities for all staff to develop outstanding practice. Analyse the capabilities of our staff through observation feedback, learner and parent voice feedback and other ways and provide the appropriate professional development to ensure they have the skills necessary to deliver outstanding practice. For teachers this will focus on the skills to deliver inspirational teaching and learning
  • Analyse all staff SARs (Self Appraisal reports) and identify staff development needs in order to form a year’s programme to cater to the Career Advancement requirements of the Teaching staff
  • Share good practice across the College, in all areas of College business, through a variety of mechanisms
  • Establish the aspiration for outstanding teaching and learning
  • Challenge satisfactory and less than satisfactory performance through Self Assessment Report and Action Plan Review meetings, other opportunities
  • Recognize and celebrate outstanding performance of all staff

The College aims to enable outstanding success for all of our learners.

The College aims to provide accurate and formative assessment and verification. To achieve this we must:

  • Have accurate formative assessment which informs learners how to successfully achieve their summative assessments.

The College aims to carry out rigorous action planning and monitoring. To achieve this we must:

  • Devise action plans that will achieve year on year improvement
  • Rigorously monitor quality improvement plans and targets through Review meetings
  • Inform all staff, including senior management and governors on the ongoing monitoring of quality improvements

The College aims to achieve very high satisfaction for all of our learners, parents, staff and other stakeholders. To achieve this we must:

  • Learn from and act upon learners’, parents’, staff and other stakeholders’ comments in surveys and forums to improve their experience
  • Ensure these surveys are available in alternative formats and on the College website as appropriate in order to maximise response rates

Related Documents

  • Calcutta University Statutes and College Manual
  • Annual Quality Assurance Report
  • Grievance Redressal Policy and Procedures
  • Department Self Assessment Reviews and Action Plans
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Quality Assurance and Improvement Handbook
  • Staff Development Policy and Procedures



 The social commitment policy is purported to ensure and protect the commitments and obligations of this institution of higher education towards the society at large. This policy is based on the following three fundamental aspects:

Academic commitment

  • The College must ensure and optimize equal access to learning opportunities for students coming from all academic backgrounds.

 Economic commitment

  • The college must provide the opportunity of higher education to students hailing from all economic backgrounds.

Social commitment

  • The college must provide the opportunity of higher education to students hailing from all social backgrounds irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
  • This policy is conceived and designed to ensure that the College develops and maintains a comprehensive approach to satisfactorily meet the needs of all students, including those who may encounter some barriers to learning. It also aims at maintaining and bonding among the students, teachers, staff members and other stake holders a proper appreciation of the differences between individuals be it through gender, race, disability or age and the notion of supporting each other, regardless of these differences through collective life.


  • This policy will apply to Narasinha Dutt College management, staff, students, and others associated with it.


  • The College is committed to providing appropriate access to learning opportunities for all potential differences. Within the constraints of available resources and binding of statutory rules and regulations.
  • The College will offer as wide a range of programs as practicable and permissible, with clear progression routes between them and effective articulation with the opportunities offered by other providers such as Universities.
  • The College recognizes all learners as individuals and will remain committed to meet as far as possible the specific needs of such individual through clear pre-admission guidance, on-going specific and general academic guidance, pre-exit guidance, and all forms of support such as finance, academic and career counseling.
  • The College is committed to optimizing skills for work, skills for life and skills for excellence to be attained through implementation of curriculum and capacity building so that the students can successfully play the role of a responsible citizen, an effective contributor, a successful learner and a confident individual..
  • The College will develop individual’s core skills such as IT/ Communication and a process of core skills screening and its resultant actions will be used appropriately.
  • The College recognizes that the nature of learning need of individual students may vary and so the College will provide effective pre-entry guidance to ensure that each individual student may be placed on a course which matches his/her individual needs, abilities and aspirations.
  • The College recognizes that there are individuals with particular individual learning needs who require additional support or special arrangements. The college is committed wherever possible to providing the required support and arrangements.
  • The College will invite students to identify any additional learning requirements after they get themselves admitted, so that proper responses are made to the requirements at an early date.
  • To ensure smooth transition and effective articulation between the College and other providers, the College will maintain close liaison with external agencies involved in provision for, or representation of, students with additional learning requirements.
  • The College recognizes its responsibility in terms of offering access to learning opportunities to slow/weak learners and those who would not normally engage with education, employment or training.
  • The College recognizes its wider community role and will offer a portfolio of courses that meets the needs of students in their local area.
  • In recognition of the needs of employers the College will offer a portfolio of work based courses that meet immediate employment needs.
  • The College recognizes the potential in the use of technology to break down barriers to learning opportunities and will continue to develop practical strategies to optimize this within given funding constraints.
  • All College staff will be offered relevant development opportunities around commitment and where these necessarily underpin particular roles this development will be mandatory.


  • Strategic responsibility for commitment rests with the Principal/Teacher-in-Charge.
  • Responsibility for strategic planning for commitment across the curriculum and student support lies with the Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge.
  • Responsibility for the development of coherent curriculum pathways lies with the Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge.
  • Responsibility for comprehensive arrangements for supporting students with additional support requirements rests with the Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge.
  • Responsibility for ensuring staff to understand their duties with regard to students with disabilities, through appropriate training and development, rests with the IQAC Coordinator.
  • Responsibility for overseeing provision and support services to ensure they are appropriate and effective rests with the teacher mentors.


  • On-line Admission is provided exclusively on the basis of merit, although the reservation policies of the government are strictly followed. All the notices, instructions, Admission forms, Merit Lists are available in college website.
  • Deposition of Admission Fees using core banking system is also provided.

Support for Learners

  • All students will have an entitlement to appropriate learner support and will receive full details of how to access these services during their induction

Physical Access to College Campuses

  • The college management will review, on an annual basis, physical access to and within the College, to ensure continued compliance with legislative and security requirements.

Students with Additional Support Requirements

  • The College will encourage the integration of students with additional support requirements. As part of a wider commitment to equal opportunities the College is committed to promoting and improving opportunities for students and staff with disabilities to enable them to achieve their potential. This policy applies to any present or potential student or member of staff who has additional needs arising from a disability. Equality of Opportunity in accessing the Curriculum is the aim of the institution.

Equality of Opportunity in Accessing the Curriculum

  • The College will provide opportunities for flexible learning.

Financial Support for Students

  • The application process for financial support will not discriminate against any students or groups. Decisions for the granting of the support will be made according to the relevant guidance received annually from the Finance Sub Committee.

Staff Recruitment

  • The actual Recruitment and Recruitment policy of the college is designed to prevent any discrimination or malpractices. The College has a policy of open and fair recruitment.

Publicity, Marketing and Curriculum Materials

  • All publicity and marketing materials will be designed to be free from bias and to include positive imagery. This will apply equally to all devised curriculum materials used to support the learning & teaching process.

Harassment, Discrimination and Ragging (HDR)

  • The college is committed to provide an environment free from harassment, discrimination or ragging and will ensure that policies exist to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Such behavior will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedures of the college and, in serious cases, may result in offenders being expelled or dismissed.

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